
Our news, views and opinions on digital trends, marketing and technology.

Headless CMS Website Architecture

Unlocking the Power of Headless CMS: Is It the Right Choice for Your Organisation?

In the ever-evolving landscape of content management, traditional CMS solutions have been the go-to for organisations looking to manage and deliver digital content. However, with the rise of omnichannel experiences and the need for greater flexibility, a new approach has emerged – the headless CMS.

Email icon showing 1 alert

Getting With the Flow of Klaviyo: 8 of the best Klaviyo flow’s to increase eCommerce ROI

It’s no secret that Klaviyo is the eCommerce poster child of brilliant marketing automation tools. Whether you’re a Klaviyo maestro or a newbie, marketing to your audience effectively boils down to the perfect email ‘flow’. Let’s look at the top email flow tips that ecommerce marketing pros worldwide live and breathe by.

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Stay Ahead of the Curve: How Composable Commerce is Shaping the Future of E-Commerce

The world of e-commerce is always evolving and one of the most significant movements is the one towards composable commerce and the benefits it brings to e-teams, businesses and the user experience.

Butterfly sitting on 3D head

The Butterfly Effect of UX: How small micro interactions create big changes

Micro interactions aim to make the user experience more rewarding by improving navigation, streamlining actions and keeping us informed throughout the user journey.

Hands working on mobile app

Unlocking the power of cognitive psychology: 5 theories to enhance the quality of your user experience

From a design perspective, brilliant UX is achieved by putting the user’s enjoyment in the forefront of all we do.

Man texting on mobile phone

The art of interruption: How strategic notification design can enhance user experience and boost engagement

As a key element of UX design, push notifications need to have a well devised strategy behind them. Identifying your user, knowing how to get their attention and choosing the right time to push is an integral part of that strategy.

ChatGPT website on a laptop screen

Google's guidance on AI and how it impacts search

With plenty of radio noise around ChatGPT, Google wants to share its own views on AI generated content and its impact on search ranking.

Illustration of cookies joined together

A cookie-free world: What you need to know and how to prepare

Whether you’re gluten free, sugar intolerant or vegan it’s likely you’ve existed on a consistent diet of cookies while traversing the internet these past many years.

Illustration of characters interacting with charts and graphs

GA4 is here and it's dressed to impress. Why you need to move over now?

The Google Analytics we’ve known and loved will soon be sauntering off into the sunset and there’s no time like the present to meet GA4.

Illustration of character juggling lots of devices and platforms

What the rise of gen Z means for user research?

Having grown up with technology their whole lives, Gen Z are digital natives. Tech is in their DNA and digital platforms are their playgrounds. They make up 40% of global consumers, with a spending power of a staggering $140 billion.

Illustration of character making a purchase online

Our top 8 creative PPC campaigns that accelerated growth and brand awareness

Sure, PPC campaigns are science and strategy driven, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be creative and curious to drive brand awareness.

Illustration of character searching for something online and broadcasting a message using a megaphone

Why is technical SEO so important? Here's 6 steps to follow.

When it comes to conducting a website audit there are no strict rules, but there are tips and tricks you can follow to stay ahead of the crowd and spur envy amongst it. We’ve put together the top 6 steps you can take, to win the race.

Illustration of uni student interacting with a web page on a computer

SEO strategies to drive increased enrolments for higher education and universities.

There’s never been a better time to revise and improve on SEO strategies and practices across the websites that are specific to this sector.

Illustration of key wearing shoes

Shopify’s eCommerce trends for 2022 finds customer relations are more important than ever

Building long term relationships with customers has emerged as one of the key findings in Shopify’s eCommerce trends for 2022.

Illustration of SEO letters on a lifeboat

Google's helpful content update is here, are you maximising it's potential?

Google’s helpful content update is the lifeboat your website may need.

Illustration of characters joined together with their arms

What exactly is Product Market Fit and how do we go about defining it?

There’s plenty of online buzz across forums and articles about product-market fit and it’s creating a fair amount of white noise - so let’s debunk any myths and simplify just what makes it tick.

Illustration of character laying against large chess pieces

A project is only as good as the strategy behind it.

Building strategy goes far beyond the role of the strategist. A committed team lays the foundation of efficient project design, with each member a cog in the machine, bringing a different set of skills to the team.

Illustration of character broadcasting to a video chat with a megaphone

What were the top trends in digital marketing for 2022? SEO, PPC, & Content.

2022 has seen an incredible influx of new and developing digital marketing strategies that are set to change the game.

Illustration of Polaroid pictures with legs

Spotify Wrapped 2022, A content marketers dream. What can we learn?

New Year resolutions are often broken by the stroke after midnight but there’s one tradition that we not only keep, but love to share.